Sunday, November 30, 2014

Making things grow

Id doesn't matter if you use dirt and pots or a garden in your backyard. Just keep growing and you will continue to eat. Growing food isn't hard just something you have to mess with everyday. It is a great reward when you can go out and fill a bowl with what you have just grown and take it back into your kitchen and be proud of what you have created.

If anyone has any question so far please let me know. Im here to help. I will be putting up new videos on my YOUTUBE channel real soon, showing way more. Baby turtle is doing great and we have an indoor Aquaponics setup now. It just got kicked off but I can see it is going to work just fine for what we need.

If you sub to my YOUTUBE channel...SUB HERE you will get to see more videos of amazing things in the future. I am not a professional but I know what NOT to do now.

Aquaponics Setup

I have been growing many plants many different was over the last 20 years. I do not eat much junk food or drink much pop. That stuff will kill you, but I have been growing an outside garden and indoor gardens and even in a greenhouse with only using water.

I doesnt take much to grow some food to eat, in the videos below I grow greens with just water and fish poop.


I hope you enjoy these videos, this is from start to finish or maybe I should say from breaking ground till I put food in my family's mouths. It is this easy, I am not going to lie it was work but it was fun the whole time and the kids and wife help a little as well. If you do enjoy these videos please SUB to my YOUTUBE channel Im almost at 12,000 subs, never thought I would ever even get 500. God bless you all.

Breaking ground

Got the grow beds in

Plastic is on

The start of growth

My gold fish

One snail crippled the system

Pump stopped

Pump stops again but its a JUNGLE

New components for the greenhouse

Tomatoes and peppers ready

Still growing more

End of the growing season

Keeping baby turtles over winter till next spring.

Baby turtle part 2 over winter

As you see it isnt that hard to grow things for food and eat healthy.

Garden Shed

The beginner should find a small house or shed,
where the necessary potting, can be done in all
weathers, very important. It should be placed, if
possible, behind the Greenhouse, so that a door
may open from the one to the other. This may be done by extending
the back slope of the roof with a slate roof, and
the end of the potting-house being filled with glass
uniform with the Greenhouse, a not unsightly
arrangement results. If the fire be placed in the
potting-house, with a supply of coal, the necessary
attendance in bad weather is much less irksome,
and there will be heat enough to keep the frost out
of the potting house, so that bulbs and other plants
that are dormant in winter may be kept there.

There should be bins provided in which the various
soils and may be kept, so as to be available in all
weathers ; also shelves on which a store of pots of
all sizes may be placed ; and t may here be noted
that all pots which have been used should be
washed before they are put by, especially inside,
otherwise the roots of the next plant grown in them
will be very apt to adhere to the pots, rendering it
impossible to turn out the ball without breaking it.
Various small utensils will be required, as potting
trowels, dibbling sticks of various sizes, bell
glasses, etc., and, on a substantial bench, with a good
light, a large wooden potting-tray, in which the
composts can be mixed and the potting done in a
cleanly manner.

As all plants in pots are in an non natural state,
they must be treated accordingly. Plants in the
ground throw out their roots as far as they like,
and seek suitable nourishment; those in pots must
find it close at home, and they wind their roots
round the sides of the pot, forming in a short time a ball of matted roots. It is this compression of the
roots in the pot that causes plants, so cultivated, to
bloom when of a smaller size, and more freely,
than in their natural state, and causes also the
growth of the plants to be more stinted, and their
blooms smaller. The most skilful cultivator, therefore,
must never hope to produce green-house
plants which will bear comparison with those in
their native liability; all ho can do is to try to
approach it. It will br evident from this that it is
not desinxble to re-pot plants into larger pots too frequently
; young, vigorously growing plants re«
quire suchlike change at least once every year, sometimes
even more than once; but it seems to be
decided by the best authorities that old established
plants, in a healthy state, may remain in the same
pots for several years, not only without suffering,
but with advantage, though this does not apply to
all kinds of plants. The inconvenience of the
large pots, with which the house is apt to get filled,
has probably something to do with this opinion.

Medium Greenhouse Idea

Before we activate to construct, we accept to actuate on tte
site. Now, a adventurous alpha may be fabricated by the assertion
of any bulb house, provided the owner will accouter it with plants acclimatized to the site, and resolve
never to accomplish selections after aboriginal because the suitability
of the abode for their protection. Accept we accept a
high clammy bank adverse north, and ambition to cover in the amplitude in
front of it with bottle for plant-growing. It may be a prudent
proceeding to arrect there a abundant lean-to, and to construct
against the face of the bank central the abode a rockery, and
plant the rockery with ferns, and accomplish a admirable arena affluent in
botanical interest. Or accept the bank faces south and the
position is decidedly dry and hot, we may still advance to
cover the amplitude in foreground with a lean-to, and accomplish a bound next
the bank for climbers that adulation sun and a date in foreground for a
collection of succulents, which never curl so able-bodied as in a
" baking situation." Or we may bulb accouterment alfresco and
train them up the rafters, and winter all the bedding plants
on stages or beds of apple accurate by brickwork in the
centre. The catechism of accessibility is of the absolute importance.
Tou will not affliction to airing far through wind and
rain, perhaps, to see the aboriginal flowers of the primulas and
hyacinths, or to choose bouquets for the accompany who will visit
you on a night of agog frost and falling snow will you account your bloom by walking continued journeys
to activity up the crumbling blaze on which the lives of your pets
depend. Think of these things in time, and if your owu
health does not access into the question, be not absolutely oblivious
of the bloom of the gardener. Not alone is the position of
the abode important, but that aswell of the stoke-hole and furnace,
if bogus calefaction is employed.In the construction of a plant house the first matter of importance
is to determine the purpose to which it is to be
applied. On this will depend the choice of site and aspect, the
size of the house, and the extent to which embellishments are
to be employed within and without. It will be well for those
who study economy to remember that a very plain substantial
house, thoroughly adapted for plant culture, will always look
respectable, even if it is not decorated like a pavilion or pagoda
and its use will justify it far more satisfactorily than any amount
of ornament. There are some grand conservatories in the land
in which nothing of a vegetable nature except mildew will
thrive, and not a few very humble greenhouses in which plants
grow as if by magic, and provide their owners with an endless
variety of priceless (though costless) pleasures. The idle man
who does not intend to do much in the gardening way may be
wise to build himself a roomy and thoroughly substantial conservatory,
attached to or very near his dwelling, and furnish it
with drachmas, yuccas, agave's, and dandelions. An ambitious
amateur may set his mind upon a block of houses for camellias,
heaths, cacti, pelargoniums, and fifty other classes of plants.
This one would do well to consult a garden architect, and determine
from the first to do the thing well or not at all. But
for every one who requires to be accommodated in a peculiar
way there will be hundreds who want what is commonly
understood as a greenhouse, and the question is, How are
they to begin ?
A good general advice to all such would be to erect for the
present one good span-roofed house, running north and south,
in a quite open sunny spot, and have it as large as the purse will
allow for the whole thing to be done properly.

Small Garden Plan

The proposed garden affairs are akin to growing the accepted needs of the kitchen throughout the year. Note that on the planting row breadth and widths are exact; the paths are estimated.
Crops with assorted plantings per division (lettuce, blooming onions, radishes, carrots, greens,
spinach, beans, and beets) activate in the row aloft the abiding "herb row". The first
planting of these "succession" crops activate in this row and the next anniversary addition planting
will be in the row above, continuing upwards appear the annihilate row.
Year to year aliment and success will be furthered by ROTATION. Except for the
permanent herb-asparagus-strawberry row, the absolute summer garden should be rotated one
block to the larboard (ie South, see map). For example, in the row aloft the herbs move the
onions to the bill and allotment space, the bill and carrots to the bean space, and so on.
The capability of circling will be bigger with mulching and awning cropping.
For the algid frames and adit sites the circling is artlessly the switching amid sites A
and B anniversary year.
The adit should be confused over the algid frames amid October 1-15. Artlessly disengage the
bolts accepting the 2x8 anatomy to the 2x6, soap up the 2x6 (for easier sliding), abolish or lift
up the end doors with bang boards. With the advice of some added accoutrements advance the adit to its
winter site. Be abiding to re-bolt. Awning the now abandoned garden amplitude with a awning crop of
winter rye or admixture with straw. Late May/ aboriginal June of the afterward bounce move the
cold frames out of the adit into the accessible website (where the adit stood the summer
before). You may wish to move one or two algid frames out even a little beforehand to get a
head alpha on bounce crops such as peas.